> #ch1q23
This is a working of a problem from http://www.sp.uconn.edu/~cdavid/chem263.html which
is intended to illustrate a method of working (in Maple) which is self documenting, error aware,
and extraordinarily appealing.

read(`C:\\Documents and Settings\\Administrator\\DESKTOP\\units.maple`);
The read statement (above) needs to be modified to reflect the student's own local environment.
m_N_2 := (2*14*g_)/mol_;# in grams/molecule
The mass of a single nitrogen atom is obtained, since mol_ is defined as Avogadro's number in units.maple.
v1 := 300*m_/s_;# in meters/second
v2 := 500*m_/s_;
numer_t1 := v1^2*(m_N_2/(2*Pi*k_*100*K_))^(3/2);
numer_t2 := v2^2*(m_N_2/(2*Pi*k_*100*K_))^(3/2);
numer_t1_a := exp(-(m_N_2*v1^2)/(2*k_*100*K_));
numer_t2_a := exp(-(m_N_2*v2^2)/(2*k_*100*K_));
ratio := evalf((numer_t1*numer_t1_a)/(numer_t2*numer_t2_a));
It is important to realize that several parts of the problem cancel, such as 'dv', as they appear in
both the numerator and the denominator.
