Here are the orbitals of cyclopropene, two degnerate anti-bonding orbitals, and one bonding orbital, according to elementary Huckel Theory. Spherical Harmonics (s thru f orbitals)
Radial Hydrogenlike Wave Functions

To->e.V.kcal/molcm-1 sec-1erg
From e.V.123.058.065 x 1032.43 x 10141.601 x 10-12
From kcal/mol4.345 x 10-21350 1.05 x 10136.95 x 10-14
From cm-11.24 x 10-4 2.858 x 10-313 x 1010(c)1.986 x 10-16(hc)
From sec-14.13 x 10-159.52 x 10-14 3.33 x 10-1116.627 x 10-27(h)
From erg6.25 x 1011 1.439 x 10135.04 x 1015 1.51 x 10261
e = 4.80286 x 10-10 esu
me = 9.1055 x 10-28gram
mproton = 1.67312 x 10-24 gram
h = 6.627 x 10-27erg-sec
aBohr = 0.5296 x 10-8cm
kBoltzmann = 1.38033 x 10-16ergs/K
c = 299793.3 km/sec


  1. Trial Wavefunction for H2+ Cation
  2. Trial Wavefunction for H2+ Cation (II)
  3. Trial Wavefunction for H2+ Cation (III)
  4. Hamiltonian on Trial Wavefunction for H2+ Cation
  5. Overlap Integration on Trial Wavefunction for H2+ Cation
  6. Overlap Integral on Part of Trial Wavefunction for H2+ Cation
  7. Molecular Orbital Filling (Aufbau Prinzip)
  8. Where Are Electrons in MO's
  9. Correlations using LCAO's
  10. Appropriate AO's in Water's MO's
  11. Appropriate sp3 Orbital's in Water's MO's
  12. Probability of Finding Electron Below x-y plane in HeH+