To->e.V.kcal/molcm-1 sec-1erg
From e.V.123.058.065 x 1032.43 x 10141.601 x 10-12
From kcal/mol4.345 x 10-21350 1.05 x 10136.95 x 10-14
From cm-11.24 x 10-4 2.858 x 10-313 x 1010(c)1.986 x 10-16(hc)
From sec-14.13 x 10-159.52 x 10-14 3.33 x 10-1116.627 x 10-27(h)
From erg6.25 x 1011 1.439 x 10135.04 x 1015 1.51 x 10261
e = 4.80286 x 10-10 esu
me = 9.1055 x 10-28gram
mproton = 1.67312 x 10-24 gram
h = 6.627 x 10-27erg-sec
aBohr = 0.5296 x 10-8cm
kBoltzmann = 1.38033 x 10-16ergs/K
c = 299793.3 km/sec

There is a wonderful simulation of the harmonic oscillator at here


  1. Semi-Harmonic Oscillator
  2. Hermite Polynomials and Resultant Eigenvalues
  3. Probability of Finding Oscillator
  4. Eigenfunctionality