
A net search under `latex2html' yields so many locations that it is fair to say one will be spending lots of time looking (slowly) in Europe for information about this remarkable package. Our primary link to this package gives you lots of information in one place, without actually giving you Latex2html. This perl program and its adjuvants is easily found on mirrors here in the states. You will also need some other programs, which the documentation will explain.
Latex2html, often written LaTeX2HTML, converts LaTeX to HTML in a form which, when installed in a readable subdirectory (off public_html) can be read using a browser on the World Wide Web. To use LaTeX2HTML (l2h), one of course needs LaTeX, which is also available on the WWW. Before we start, perhaps it is wise to point out that you should be in a Unix environment, either Linux on a PC or Unix on a Sun, Iris, etc..
Anyway, after all the hastle of learning LaTeX and l2h, you find that the actual conversion is trivial, i.e., writing a LaTeX file, and converting it to HTML proceeds smoothly enough. The trick is to convert the HTML to a Perl program, and that is what we will cover here.

We start with a typical question written in LaTeX.

%	\begin{center}
%	\fbox{ 
%	  \epsfig{width=4in,}}
%	\end{center}
The Schr\"{o}dinger Equation (in dimensionless form) for the particle
in a box (stretching from x=0 to x=L) is:
- { {h^2}\over{8 m \pi^2}} { {\partial^2 \psi}\over {\partial x^2}} = \epsilon \psi
and, given two eigenfunctions:
\psi_1 = \sqrt{{2\over L}} \sin \left ( {{1 \pi x}\over L}\right )
\psi_2 = \sqrt{{2\over L}} \sin \left ( {{2 \pi x}\over L}\right )
if a state is prepared which is one half of $\psi_1$ and one half
$\psi_2$, i.e., a linear combination with equal co\"{e}fficients, what is the
expected energy ($\epsilon$) of the resultant state?

Please note that there are some commented out lines which show how one can include figures which have been saved in PostScript form. We will cover making figures later.

First we LaTeX this file, to make sure that it has no LaTeX errors. Then we LaTeX2HTML the file, which, because of the way lsh works, creates a subdirectory below where we happen to be, and fills it with files. If our original file was called qm1q05.tex, then in the qm5q01 subdirectory is a file called qm1q05.html. This is the file we are interested in. Here is the output html file created by using LaTeX2HTML on the above qm1q05.tex file:

<!--Converted with LaTeX2HTML 96.1 (Feb 5, 1996) by Nikos Drakos (, CBLU, University of Leeds -->
<META NAME="description" CONTENT="No Title">
<META NAME="keywords" CONTENT="qm1q05">
<META NAME="resource-type" CONTENT="document">
<META NAME="distribution" CONTENT="global">
 <A NAME="tex2html1" HREF="node1.html"><IMG WIDTH=37 HEIGHT=24 ALIGN=BOTTOM ALT="next" SRC=""></A> <IMG WIDTH=26 HEIGHT=24 ALIGN=BOTTOM ALT="up" SRC=""> <IMG WIDTH=63 HEIGHT=24 ALIGN=BOTTOM ALT="previous" SRC="">   <BR>
<B> Next:</B> <A NAME="tex2html2" HREF="node1.html">  About this document </A>
<BR> <P>
The Schrödinger Equation (in dimensionless form) for the particle
in a box (stretching from x=0 to x=L) is:
<P> <IMG WIDTH=309 HEIGHT=36 ALIGN=BOTTOM ALT="displaymath23" SRC="img1.gif"  > <P>
and, given two eigenfunctions:
<P> <IMG WIDTH=325 HEIGHT=42 ALIGN=BOTTOM ALT="displaymath25" SRC="img2.gif"  > <P>
<P> <IMG WIDTH=325 HEIGHT=42 ALIGN=BOTTOM ALT="displaymath27" SRC="img3.gif"  > <P>
if a state is prepared which is one half of  <IMG WIDTH=16 HEIGHT=24 ALIGN=MIDDLE ALT="tex2html_wrap_inline29" SRC="img4.gif"  >  and one half
 <IMG WIDTH=16 HEIGHT=24 ALIGN=MIDDLE ALT="tex2html_wrap_inline31" SRC="img5.gif"  > , i.e., a linear combination with equal coëfficients, what is the
expected energy ( <IMG WIDTH=4 HEIGHT=7 ALIGN=BOTTOM ALT="tex2html_wrap_inline33" SRC="img6.gif"  > ) of the resultant state?
<BR> <HR>
<LI> <A NAME="tex2html3" HREF="node1.html#SECTION00010000000000000000">  About this document ... </A>
<BR> <HR>
<I> <BR>
Wed Jun 19 12:56:00 EDT 1996</I>
Along with this file are a host of other files, created by LaTeX2HTML, which correspond to equations and special symbols which, being unrenderable in the various fonts available on the net, have been converted to pictures, in 'gif' format.

We now need to convert this html file into a Perl program which is interactive (the html file is read only). Here is the ultimate result:

#!/usr/local/bin/perl -- -*-perl-*-
require  "";
require  "";
require  "";
require  "";
require  "";
$title = "qm1q05";
use CGI;
$query = new CGI;
print $query->header;
print $query->start_html($title);
print "<h1>$title</h1>";
$scriptname = $query->script_name();#this gives the question name
print "Anonymous access to the <a$scriptname>webmaster </a>to send a message concerning computer related errors in this question is available here.<br>";
print "<hr>";
$faculty_id = $query->param('faculty');
$student_id = $query->param('student');
print "<a href=../notation/notation.html>Click here to get an explanation of notation.</a>";
print "<hr>";
print $query->start_form;
print $query->hidden('faculty',$query->param('owner'));
print $query->hidden('student',$query->param('name'));
$faculty_id = $query->param('faculty');
$student_id = $query->param('student');
$ans = '(5/2)*((h**2)/(8*me*l**2))';
$saved_ans = '(5/2)*((h**2)/(8*me*l**2))';
# question goes here
print $query->start_form;
$loc = "../qm1q05";
print <<EOF;
The Schrödinger Equation (in dimensionless form) for the particle
in a box (stretching from x=0 to x=L) is:
<P> <IMG WIDTH=313 HEIGHT=36 ALIGN=BOTTOM ALT="displaymath23" SRC="$loc/img1.gif"  > <P>
and, given two eigenfunctions:
<P> <IMG WIDTH=325 HEIGHT=42 ALIGN=BOTTOM ALT="displaymath25" SRC="$loc/img2.gif"  > <P>
<P> <IMG WIDTH=325 HEIGHT=42 ALIGN=BOTTOM ALT="displaymath27" SRC="$loc/img3.gif"  > <P>
if a state is prepared which is one half of  <IMG WIDTH=16 HEIGHT=24 ALIGN=MIDDLE ALT="tex2html_wrap_inline29" SRC="$loc/img4.gif"  >  and one half
 <IMG WIDTH=16 HEIGHT=24 ALIGN=MIDDLE ALT="tex2html_wrap_inline31" SRC="$loc/img5.gif"  > , i.e., a linear combination with equal coëfficients, what is the
expected energy ( <IMG WIDTH=4 HEIGHT=7 ALIGN=BOTTOM ALT="tex2html_wrap_inline33" SRC="$loc/img6.gif"  > ) of the resultant state?
<br>Use `me' for the mass, `l' or `L' for the length of the box, and `h' for Planck's
print "<br> Answer is:",$query->textfield('ans','',30,40);
print "<P> Query, is the above answer correct?",$query->submit;
print $query->end_form;
$stu_ans = $query->param('ans');

if ( $query->param('ans') ne '')
$saved_stu_ans = $stu_ans;
&CleanUp($stu_ans);#this removes potential hacker imbedded illegal commands
$h = rand;
$me = rand;
$l = rand;
$stu_ans =~ s/h/$h/gi;
$ans =~ s/h/$h/gi;
$stu_ans =~ s/l/$l/gi;
$ans =~ s/l/$l/gi;
$stu_ans =~ s/me/$me/gi;
$ans =~ s/me/$me/gi;
print "student_answer = $saved_stu_ans";
$stu_ans = eval($stu_ans);
$ans =  eval($ans);
#print "student_answer evaluated = $stu_ans<p>";
#print "answer evaluated = $ans <p>";
if (eval (($stu_ans - $ans)**2 - 0.1  ) ge 0.0 ) 
	{print ", <EM> Wrong</EM>,
	<IMG SRC=../icons/checkno.gif\>";
	print "<a href=".$title."$faculty_id&name=$student_id>Help is available for this question<br></a>";
 else {print ", <EM> Right! </EM>,
	<IMG SRC=../icons/check.gif\>";

print $query->end_html;
There are several points to be made about this last conversion, which has been done by hand, individually for each question.
  1. The line '$loc = "../qm1q05";' has been added to point to the directory which contains the gif files associated with this particular question.
  2. Associated with the above addition is that each IMG line has been edited from 'SRC="imgx.gif"' to 'SRC=$loc/imgx.gif"', so that the directory in which these gifs exist is properly addressed.
  3. All the superfluous material at the head (and tail) of the html file has been eliminated.
  4. Often, I will remove the 'ALT="displaymathxx"' from each IMG statement, since if there is trouble, the alternative to the gif is useless, and I would rather have a catastrophic failure than a partial one.
You can see that the top-material, precursor to the html->perl conversion, is standard stuff (actually contained in a standard file for inclusion), as is the bottom.

The actual question Linear Combination of States can be seen here, where for those acquainted with the quantum mechanics, the relationship between the LaTeX composed equations and the `gifs' shown, should be clear.