import java.awt.*; import java.applet.*; import java.util.*; import*; public class ChemSymIn extends Applet { public void init() { resize(550,300); setLayout(new BorderLayout()); Panel p = new Panel(); p.setLayout(new FlowLayout()); p.add(new Button("Submit for Grading")); p.add(new Button("ReDisplay")); this.add("North", p); cd_disp = new ChemSymInCanv2(); this.add("Center", cd_disp); cd_disp.update("Click `ReDisplay' to Start"); start(); } public boolean handleEvent(Event evt) { if ( == Event.WINDOW_DESTROY && == this) System.exit(0);//for the Help about return super.handleEvent(evt); } public boolean keyDown(Event evt, int key){ if(DeBug){ System.out.println("Event (keydown) = "+evt); System.out.println("key = "+ key); } if (key == Event.LEFT || key == 8 || key == 127) { StringBuffer new_str = new StringBuffer(100); new_str.append(s1); if(DeBug) System.out.println("s1 before delete = "+s1); int len = new_str.length(); if(new_str.charAt(len-1) == '}')new_str.setLength(len-1-3); else new_str.setLength(len-1); s1 = new_str.toString(); if(DeBug) System.out.println("s1 after delete = "+s1); cd_disp.update(s1); return true; } else if (key == Event.UP){ cd_disp.setsuper(1); return true; } else if(key == Event.DOWN){ cd_disp.setsuper(-1); return true; } else if( key >= 40 && key <= 122 ){ StringBuffer new_str = new StringBuffer(100); StringBuffer cd = new StringBuffer(1); char key_char = (char) key;//cast key -> char cd.append(key_char);//need to convert to character if(DeBug){ System.out.println("s1 before appending key_char = "+s1); System.out.println("s1 before appending key_char = "+s1); } new_str.append(s1); if(cd_disp.state() == 1){new_str.append("^{"+cd+"}");} else if(cd_disp.state() == -1){new_str.append("_{"+cd+"}");} else{ new_str.append(cd);} s1 = new_str.toString(); cd_disp.update(s1); return true; } return false; } public boolean action(Event evt, Object arg) { String ans = getParameter("answer"); if(DeBug){ System.out.println("Event (action) = "+evt); System.out.println("arg = "+ arg); } if (arg.equals("Submit for Grading")){ if (s1.equals(ans)){ StringBuffer cd_str = new StringBuffer(100); cd_str.append (" YES "); String s9 = cd_str.toString(); cd_disp.update(s9); return true; } else{ StringBuffer cd_str = new StringBuffer(100); cd_str.append (" NO "); String s9 = cd_str.toString(); cd_disp.update(s9); return true; } } if (arg.equals("ReDisplay")){ cd_disp.clear(); StringBuffer cd_str = new StringBuffer(100); cd_str.append(s1); s1 = cd_str.toString(); cd_disp.update(s1); return true; } else return false; } public boolean DeBug = false; public TextField display; public String ans; private TextField minuteField; public ChemSymInCanv2 cd_disp; public static StringBuffer cd_str; public String s1 = ""; public Checkbox sup; public Checkbox sub; public Checkbox normal; } class ChemSymInCanv2 extends Canvas { public void paint(Graphics g ) { Font f = new Font("TimesRoman",Font.BOLD,48); Font n = new Font("TimesRoman",Font.BOLD,16); FontMetrics fm = g.getFontMetrics(f); FontMetrics nm = g.getFontMetrics(n); g.setFont(f); Dimension d = size(); int client_width = d.width ; int sup_sub = 0; int inc = 0; int h_mul = 1; int i,j = 0; boolean test; int client_height = d.height; int cx = client_width /2; int cy = client_height/2; StringBuffer t = new StringBuffer(100); t.insert(0,s1);//copy s1 to t String s6 = t.toString();//convert t back to String s6 for (i=0;i<s6.length();i++){ if (s6.indexOf("}") != -1){ if(DeBug){System.out.println("index = "+s6.indexOf("^{"));} if (s6.indexOf("^{",i) == i || s6.indexOf("_{",i)==i){ if (s6.indexOf("^{",i) == i ) sup_sub = 1; if (s6.indexOf("_{",i) == i ) sup_sub = -1; i = i +2; if(DeBug){System.out.println("in superscript (after i+2), line, i = "+i);} j = fm.getHeight()*h_mul/2; test = s6.substring(i,i+1).equals("}"); while ( !test){ g.drawString(s6.substring(i,i+1),4+inc,cy-j*sup_sub); inc += fm.stringWidth(s6.substring(i,i+1));//width of font??? i++; test = s6.substring(i,i+1).equals("}"); } } else { sup_sub = 0; if(DeBug)System.out.println("in Default line, i = "+i); j = 0; if(DeBug){ System.out.println("s6.substring("+i+") = "+s6.substring(i,i+1)); System.out.println("s6 = "+s6); } g.drawString(s6.substring(i,i+1),4+inc,cy+j*sup_sub); inc += fm.stringWidth(s6.substring(i,i+1));//width of font??? if(DeBug)System.out.println("inc = "+inc); } } else { g.drawString(s6,4,cy); break ; } } int charWidth = fm.charWidth('W'); int maxChars = client_width / charWidth; g.setColor(Color.yellow); g.drawRect(4,cy-fm.getHeight()/2,client_width-8,30); g.setColor(; if(state() == 0) g.drawRect(4,cy-fm.getHeight()/2,client_width-8,30); if(state() == 1)g.drawRect(4,cy-2*fm.getHeight()/2,client_width-8,30); if(state() == -1)g.drawRect(4,cy,client_width-8,30); g.setColor(; g.setFont(n); g.drawString("Enter characters using up and down arrows for `super' and `sub' scripts.",1,12); g.drawString("`BackSpace', `Left Arrow', and `Delete' all remove last character.",1,12+nm.getHeight()); g.drawString("`ReDisplay' after `Submit for Grading' to see formula again.",1,12+2*nm.getHeight()); g.setColor(; g.drawString("Next character appears in Green Box.",1,12+9*nm.getHeight()); g.setColor(Color.yellow); if(First == 0) g.drawString("Choose `ReDisplay' to start.",300,12+9*nm.getHeight()); First = 1; g.setFont(f); g.setColor(; } public void setsuper(int flag) { ChemSymInCanv2.super_flag = state()+flag; if(ChemSymInCanv2.super_flag == 2)ChemSymInCanv2.super_flag = -1; if(ChemSymInCanv2.super_flag == -2)ChemSymInCanv2.super_flag = 1; repaint(); } public int state() { if (ChemSymInCanv2.super_flag == 1) return (1); else if (ChemSymInCanv2.super_flag == -1) return (-1); else return (0); } public void update(String args) { ChemSymInCanv2.s1 = args; if(DeBug)System.out.println("args in subroutine update = "+args); repaint(); } public void clear() { ChemSymInCanv2.s1 = ""; repaint(); } public boolean DeBug = false; public StringBuffer c1; public String s1 = ""; public int super_flag; public int First = 0; }
import java.awt.*; import java.applet.*; import java.util.*; import*; public class ChemSymIn extends Applet { public void init() { resize(550,300); setLayout(new BorderLayout());The coding (above) first makes available subroutines from various subroutine libraries (fortran terminology, sorry). Next, the code tells the system how big a Java display is going to be created. Finally, the code says that we will be using a BorderLayout, i.e., one which uses `North', `South', etc., as indicators of position.
Panel p = new Panel(); p.setLayout(new FlowLayout()); p.add(new Button("Submit for Grading")); p.add(new Button("ReDisplay")); this.add("North", p);We have here created a new panel, called p, whose internal layout fill be a FlowLayout, i.e., left to right sequential. It consists of two buttons, one for submission, and one for clearing the display and re-displaying whatever is currently contained in the `answer string'. The last line adds p to the main BorderLayout, placing it at the top of the display.
cd_disp = new ChemSymInCanv2();Below, you will see where ChemSymInCanv2 is created.
this.add("Center", cd_disp);We have just added the ChemSymCanv2 display, called cd_disp, to the main display, placing it in the center!
cd_disp.update("Click `ReDisplay' to Start"); start();Here we insert a message into the `answer string' which will show the first time the applet is invoked, and never again.
} public boolean handleEvent(Event evt) { if ( == Event.WINDOW_DESTROY && == this) System.exit(0);//for the Help about return super.handleEvent(evt); } public boolean keyDown(Event evt, int key){ if(DeBug){ System.out.println("Event (keydown) = "+evt); System.out.println("key = "+ key); }Next, we are going to handle all left moving keys the same, i.e., Delete, BackSpace, and Left Arrow keys are handled here:
if (key == Event.LEFT || key == 8 || key == 127) { StringBuffer new_str = new StringBuffer(100); new_str.append(s1); if(DeBug) System.out.println("s1 before delete = "+s1); int len = new_str.length(); if(new_str.charAt(len-1) == '}')new_str.setLength(len-1-3); else new_str.setLength(len-1); s1 = new_str.toString(); if(DeBug) System.out.println("s1 after delete = "+s1); cd_disp.update(s1); return true; } else if (key == Event.UP){ cd_disp.setsuper(1); return true; } else if(key == Event.DOWN){ cd_disp.setsuper(-1); return true; } else if( key >= 40 && key <= 122 ){ StringBuffer new_str = new StringBuffer(100); StringBuffer cd = new StringBuffer(1); char key_char = (char) key;//cast key -> char cd.append(key_char);//need to convert to character if(DeBug){ System.out.println("s1 before appending key_char = "+s1); System.out.println("s1 before appending key_char = "+s1); } new_str.append(s1); if(cd_disp.state() == 1){new_str.append("^{"+cd+"}");} else if(cd_disp.state() == -1){new_str.append("_{"+cd+"}");} else{ new_str.append(cd);} s1 = new_str.toString(); cd_disp.update(s1); return true; } return false; } public boolean action(Event evt, Object arg) { String ans = getParameter("answer"); if(DeBug){ System.out.println("Event (action) = "+evt); System.out.println("arg = "+ arg); } if (arg.equals("Submit for Grading")){ if (s1.equals(ans)){ StringBuffer cd_str = new StringBuffer(100); cd_str.append (" YES "); String s9 = cd_str.toString(); cd_disp.update(s9); return true; } else{ StringBuffer cd_str = new StringBuffer(100); cd_str.append (" NO "); String s9 = cd_str.toString(); cd_disp.update(s9); return true; } } if (arg.equals("ReDisplay")){ cd_disp.clear(); StringBuffer cd_str = new StringBuffer(100); cd_str.append(s1); s1 = cd_str.toString(); cd_disp.update(s1); return true; } else return false; } public boolean DeBug = false; public TextField display; public String ans; private TextField minuteField; public ChemSymInCanv2 cd_disp; public static StringBuffer cd_str; public String s1 = ""; public Checkbox sup; public Checkbox sub; public Checkbox normal; } class ChemSymInCanv2 extends Canvas { public void paint(Graphics g ) { Font f = new Font("TimesRoman",Font.BOLD,48); Font n = new Font("TimesRoman",Font.BOLD,16); FontMetrics fm = g.getFontMetrics(f); FontMetrics nm = g.getFontMetrics(n); g.setFont(f); Dimension d = size(); int client_width = d.width ; int sup_sub = 0; int inc = 0; int h_mul = 1; int i,j = 0; boolean test; int client_height = d.height; int cx = client_width /2; int cy = client_height/2; StringBuffer t = new StringBuffer(100); t.insert(0,s1);//copy s1 to t String s6 = t.toString();//convert t back to String s6 for (i=0;i<s6.length();i++){ if (s6.indexOf("}") != -1){ if(DeBug){System.out.println("index = "+s6.indexOf("^{"));} if (s6.indexOf("^{",i) == i || s6.indexOf("_{",i)==i){ if (s6.indexOf("^{",i) == i ) sup_sub = 1; if (s6.indexOf("_{",i) == i ) sup_sub = -1; i = i +2; if(DeBug){System.out.println("in superscript (after i+2), line, i = "+i);} j = fm.getHeight()*h_mul/2; test = s6.substring(i,i+1).equals("}"); while ( !test){ g.drawString(s6.substring(i,i+1),4+inc,cy-j*sup_sub); inc += fm.stringWidth(s6.substring(i,i+1));//width of font??? i++; test = s6.substring(i,i+1).equals("}"); } } else { sup_sub = 0; if(DeBug)System.out.println("in Default line, i = "+i); j = 0; if(DeBug){ System.out.println("s6.substring("+i+") = "+s6.substring(i,i+1)); System.out.println("s6 = "+s6); } g.drawString(s6.substring(i,i+1),4+inc,cy+j*sup_sub); inc += fm.stringWidth(s6.substring(i,i+1));//width of font??? if(DeBug)System.out.println("inc = "+inc); } } else { g.drawString(s6,4,cy); break ; } } int charWidth = fm.charWidth('W'); int maxChars = client_width / charWidth; g.setColor(Color.yellow); g.drawRect(4,cy-fm.getHeight()/2,client_width-8,30); g.setColor(; if(state() == 0) g.drawRect(4,cy-fm.getHeight()/2,client_width-8,30); if(state() == 1)g.drawRect(4,cy-2*fm.getHeight()/2,client_width-8,30); if(state() == -1)g.drawRect(4,cy,client_width-8,30); g.setColor(; g.setFont(n); g.drawString("Enter characters using up and down arrows for `super' and `sub' scripts.",1,12); g.drawString("`BackSpace', `Left Arrow', and `Delete' all remove last character.",1,12+nm.getHeight()); g.drawString("`ReDisplay' after `Submit for Grading' to see formula again.",1,12+2*nm.getHeight()); g.setColor(; g.drawString("Next character appears in Green Box.",1,12+9*nm.getHeight()); g.setColor(Color.yellow); if(First == 0) g.drawString("Choose `ReDisplay' to start.",300,12+9*nm.getHeight()); First = 1; g.setFont(f); g.setColor(; } public void setsuper(int flag) { ChemSymInCanv2.super_flag = state()+flag; if(ChemSymInCanv2.super_flag == 2)ChemSymInCanv2.super_flag = -1; if(ChemSymInCanv2.super_flag == -2)ChemSymInCanv2.super_flag = 1; repaint(); } public int state() { if (ChemSymInCanv2.super_flag == 1) return (1); else if (ChemSymInCanv2.super_flag == -1) return (-1); else return (0); } public void update(String args) { ChemSymInCanv2.s1 = args; if(DeBug)System.out.println("args in subroutine update = "+args); repaint(); } public void clear() { ChemSymInCanv2.s1 = ""; repaint(); } public boolean DeBug = false; public StringBuffer c1; public String s1 = ""; public int super_flag; public int First = 0; }