Would you like to write Internet questions?

So, you want to write questions (and examinations) for Internet usage, which a student can browse, answer, and have graded. OK. What do you have to learn, how do you proceed etc., etc., etc.?

We will consider fill-in (text or numbers) , multiple choice, and numeric response questions with either a choice line or a fill in value for the answer. Let's say that you want a student to answer the question: What is the sum of the first five integers? Obviously, the answer is 1+2+3+4+5=15. We can have the student fill in a text field:

sum of first 5 integers is:
or we could have the student choose an answer from a list:
or we could have the student choose an answer from a group:

or we could have the student answer in scientific notation:
Choose your answer in scientific notation, i.e., ±x.yzE{±ab}, and then press the submit query button:
. E{}

Submission Buttons to send answer to computer: or

Continue on to next section (intro1).
Look at a non-numeric application.